
Welcome to my blog. Click around and explore. And I would love to hear from you! 

Ten Reasons I Avoid Writing

Ten Reasons I Avoid Writing

1. Because I’m “super busy.” 

2. Because maybe I just don’t want to be alone with my thoughts. 

3. Because being alone with my thoughts is the loneliest kind of alone. 

4. Because when I’m alone with my thoughts, I might start to examine my life and find that I am a mess of prejudices and complexes. 

5. Because all the contradictions that I’m currently holding in tension in my life might finally break if I look at them too closely. 

6. Because Netflix is easier. 

7. Because if I’m still long enough, God might reveal something to me that I would rather not see. 

8. Because I might reveal myself to be a complete fraud.

9. Because I see the hurt in the world and everything I could say seems deeply inadequate. 

10. Because if my writing is inadequate, maybe I am too. 


But I’m going to start writing more anyways. Because sometimes silence is worse than a poorly worded but heartfelt plea for something better. Because I need to do more things that scare me. Because, by God’s grace, I am more than adequate– I’m perfect. 

What have you been avoiding lately? Maybe you should go do that thing. 


Even If I Drag My Feet

Even If I Drag My Feet

